Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday's Visit Nov. 11

Hello All, Just home from visiting John. He is maintaining at a steady pace. Again he breathed most of the day by himself. They dialed the ventilator back up around 5pm. when he got tired. He was wide awake at 10pm. We put his glasses on him and then we all just stared at each other until the sedative kicked in a half hour later. It was wonderful. Few words, but lots of love and encouragement. Thank you Lord, it was one of the best half hours in life. Thank you Fr. Foeller for offering mass for John. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Doug D. Thank you everyone for your continued prayers, they are so needed and so appreciated and they are doing so much good. Goodnight to day 6, we look forward to the good gifts God will give us tomorrow. Heather, God's speed and joy.
Trust Him when dark doubts assail Thee.
Trust Him when thy strength is small.
Trust Him, when to simply trust Him,
Seems the hardest thing of all.


Anonymous said...

Dear Martha and Johm, Just wanted you both to know that you are in my prayers everyday. You may not see or hear from me all the time but just know that I love you both so very much. I am saying a prayer for John several times a day. Please get better John. Boys, take care of mom, and I am so proud of all of you I couldn't be more if you were mine. Give John a hug and a kiss from me and let him know I am praying just for him!! Love to you all, Rosie

Anonymous said...

Sunday sounds like good news! Baby steps...but all forward. :) YAY!

Zach said...

Dear Martha,

This is very encouraging. It's good to hear that things are going so well. Thanks be to God.

Also, Fr. Lutz will be visiting John this afternoon.
