Wednesday, January 23, 2008

John is Home!

Family and Friends:

John was transferred to the new rehab in the afternoon of Jan 16 and removed to his families care on the morning of Jan 18. This rehab was no place that John should ever be and we lift up to our Heavenly Father all those patients that are there. We lift up the spirit of that institution to Almighty God for healing, redemption, and strength. May God's will be done in all things.
John's condition has improved so much since he has come home. He is standing on his left leg and bearing his weight 100% on it. When using his right leg he bears about 15%. He spends much more time awake and more alert. He is swallowing his food. We begin the journey of teaching him to take steps. He has a wonderful home health nurse and physical therapist
We thank the Lord for His Mercy and Goodness and we ask Him to be especially close to each one of you. We thank Him for the blessings of family and friends like you.

Thank you Billy M. Zach, Patty, and Francine, and Cynthia.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Moved to new Rehab

Dear Family and Friends,

Today John was transferred to a new rehab center. This facility concentrates on rebuilding muscle and reteaching occupational norms (feeding oneself, tooth brushing, dressing oneself and so on) and recalling speech. John has still not stood or walked. His physicians and nursing team feel that he continues to progress, but at a very slow pace. We are still hopeful in the Lord for John's full recovery. We thank all of you so much for your love and prayers. Please forgive us for not blogging in such a long time. There was so much negotiation between the insurance company and the doctors about this new rehab that we were all in limbo for the last two weeks awaiting an outcome. The insurance company came through and we thank the Lord for this. John has been approved to have 15 days of rehab and if he shows progress it will be extended until he progresses no more or can walk with a walker or transfer himself to a wheelchair. We will be attending each of his therapy classes in order to learn how to rehab him ourselves in case he reaches a plateau and we have to rehab him here at home. We will try to update this blog once a week from now on since John's progress is at such a slow pace that we would end up saying the same thing everyday. To date, John continues to improve in his speech and the strength of his trunk muscles. He can sit up without falling forward or backward but falls to either side without something balancing him. He sings along with the radio or cd's that we have burned for him. He sleeps most of the time and it takes quite a while to waken him. Sometimes he remembers, sometimes not, but after having his memory jogged he seems to remember everything ( names, places, events). John presses a 2lb weight in his left hand many times but can only lift it once, halfway, with his right. He crosses his left leg over his right but can't do it the other way around. He eats and swallows fine, but is still only on pleasure food and not a regular diet. Again we thank you for your continued prayers and we are praying that God Almighty blesses each of you. We thank the Lord for His many gifts and for His great mercy. May the glory of all good things be unto Him.